Do you know how to deal with debt?

Are you drowning in debt and struggling to keep your head above water? You’re not alone – millions of people face the same financial burden every day. But the good news is that there are steps you can take to manage your debt and start working towards financial freedom.  Debt is a fact of life for many people.  It could be student loans, credit cards, mortgages, or other consumer debt.  It can be a significant burden on someone’s mind and negatively impact their quality of life.  Fortunately, there are solutions that one can take to manage debt and eventually become debt free.  Today we will talk a little bit about some tips and strategies that can help people manage debt to hopefully achieve financial freedom someday.  If you require immediate debt solutions, find a debt consolidation agency near you to help you figure this out.


Dealing with debt can take a serious emotional toll on individuals and families. Stress, anxiety, and feelings of shame or failure are all common responses to financial struggles. It’s important to remember that you are not defined by your debt and that there are steps you can take to manage your stress and anxiety. One effective strategy is to create a self-care routine that includes exercise, mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga, and spending time with loved ones. It’s also important to reach out for help when you need it – consider joining a support group or talking to a therapist who can provide you with additional coping strategies.

Get Organized

The first step to managing debt is to get organized.  Spend some time to create a list of all your debts, including the balance owed, interest rate, and monthly payment.  This will give you a clear picture of your financial situation and help you determine where to focus your efforts.  This is also a good first step towards designing your personal budget.  Creating a budget is essential to managing debt.  This allows you to track expenses and identify areas where you can cut back and allocate funds towards debt payments.  It is not always possible to reduce expenses, but here are some tips to consider when looking for areas to cut back your spending:

    • Cut back on eating out by cooking at home more. This can be a quick fix for a lot of people because eating at home is often much cheaper than eating out.
    • Shop for groceries using coupons. There are many companies out there, such as Honey, that offer coupons for a variety of goods.  Most people might even receive coupons in the mail weekly only to throw them out.  Peruse the coupons and find ones that might be useful to you.
    • Cancel subscriptions and memberships that you do not use. Consider all the subscriptions that you might have – do you really need them all right now?  Probably not.  It is not like cancelling a subscription means that you are blacklisted from subscribing in the future.  Cancel a subscription or two for a while so that you can work on paying off your debt. 

There might be other areas where you can cut back on your expenses and a personal budget will help you identify them because a personal budget shows you where you are currently spending your money.  If an area pops out to you that might not be critical to your life, reduce it or remove it and take that money towards debt. 

Prioritize Debt

Next, prioritize your debt and develop a repayment plan for yourself.  It would be wise to first focus on paying off high interest debt, such as credit cards.  If you focus on high interest debt first, you can save a lot of money that would otherwise go wasted on interest.  Once you pay off high interest debt, you can select a debt pay-off strategy, such as the snowball method or the avalanche method.  If you follow the avalanche method, you will prioritize debt in order of interest rate (e.g., paying off debt with the highest interest rate first and then moving onto the next highest interest rate once the previous one is paid off).  If you follow the snowball method, you will prioritize your payoff by balance (e.g., paying off debt with the lowest outstanding balance first and then moving onto the next lowest balance once that previous one is paid off).  It does not matter which you pick, it depends on your personal situation, the whole point of all of this is to set a plan for yourself and follow it until you achieve the goals that you set for your debt pay off.

Increase Income

Another method that you can follow is to increase your personal income.  Of course, this is not easy at all and might not be viable to some.  Here are a couple of things that can help you increase your income over time though:

    • Visit or and become a freelancer. If you have a useful skill that people would pay for, use it!  This can be a great way to earn some extra money part time.
    • Sell items that you no longer need or use – creating an eBay account is free. Take some pictures of things that have no value to you, sell them online! 
      • Additionally, you could learn how to clearance shop, thrift shop, or shop at garage sales to find stuff cheap and then sell the good(s) online. This takes time to learn, but it can be a great way to earn some extra money. 
    • Rent out some rooms or space, provided you have it. For example, renting a garage can be a nice way to earn some extra money if you have a garage and do not use it.
    • Additional side hustles to consider are:
      • Pet-sitting, tutoring, cleaning houses, you can sign-up to be a driver for a ride sharing service or food/meal delivery service. Do not be afraid to get creative – think about your unique skillset and interests and then think about how you can turn them into a part-time gig. 

Avoid New Debt

It should go without saying, but it is important to note that you should not take on new debt while working on paying off existing debt.  This means avoiding credit card purchases by all means necessary.  Do not go buy a new car or furniture.  Live within your means for the period so that you can eliminate your current debt. 

Work with Creditors

If you are struggling to make debt payments, consider calling your creditors and seeing if you can negotiate something that can help you work on paying your debt and allowing yourself to live.  Many creditors are willing to work with you to find a solution that would work for both parties because they would rather receive at least a partial payment as opposed to no payment.  This can involve asking for a lower interest rate, maybe they can waive some fees, or work out a payment plan that is more manageable for you in your current situation.  It never hurts to ask, so do not be afraid to ask if you are in this situation. 

Seek Professional Help

If you are struggling to manage your debt on your own, do not hesitate to find a professional to help you.  A financial advisor or credit counselor can help you develop a debt pay off and management plan, negotiate with creditors, and provide additional guidance along the way.  Some professionals might even offer debt management programs that can help you consolidate your debts.

When choosing a debt consolidation agency or financial advisor, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable organization. Look for agencies that are accredited by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Financial Counseling Association of America. Be wary of agencies that charge upfront fees or promise quick-fix solutions – managing debt is a long-term process that requires commitment and hard work. Additionally, make sure to read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have gone through a similar experience. Remember, choosing the right debt consolidation agency can make all the difference in helping you achieve your financial goals.

Final Thoughts, For Now

Managing debt can be a daunting task because it seems to always weigh on our minds, which can negatively impact our lives.  But there are strategies out there that can help us overcome debt and hopefully reach a point in our life where we are financially free.  It is important to understand your debt, build a plan, and find ways to complete that plan.  It might involve reducing expenses, seeking professional help, or increasing your personal income.  Regardless, you are not your debt, you are not alone, and you will get out of the hole that you think that you are in. 

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. The content on or “this site” are for educational purposes only and merely cite my own personal opinions and experiences. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your own needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary. Know and understand that all investments involve some form of risk.  There is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money.  Additionally, there is no guarantee that you won’t experience any loss when investing.  Please seek the advice of a financial professional and do your own research.

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