real estate investing

real estate investing

Real estate investing is always a hot topic for people.  It has been said that no investment medium has created more millionaires in the world than Real Estate.  That is pretty significant, but it is also easy for people to use this as the hot topic to sell a program of some sort.  But Real Estate investing is hard work.  We want to cover what goes into Real Estate investing to give you a proper idea about that actual level of effort it takes to succeed in real estate.  

what are some real estate investing strategies?

Some common real estate investing strategies include the following:

House-Hacking – this is where someone purchases a 1-4 family home, lives in the property, and rents out the other unit(s) or space(s) in the property.  Essentially using the rent from the other unit(s) or space(s) to pay for the mortgage.


Buy and Hold – buying and holding is another strategy that involves purchasing a home, likely at a discount to market price, probably doing renovations on the property and then renting the entire property to tenants.  You can buy and hole 


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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. The content on or “this site” are for educational purposes only and merely cite my own personal opinions and experiences. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your own needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary. Know and understand that all investments involve some form of risk.  There is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money.  Additionally, there is no guarantee that you won’t experience any loss when investing.  Please seek the advice of a financial professional and do your own research.